Compatibility of Aspose Libraries with JDK17

Hello Aspose Support Team,

I am working on a project that uses JDK17, and I need to integrate multiple Aspose libraries. I’ve encountered some issues when trying to use different JDK classifiers for different Aspose libraries.

Specifically, I’m trying to use:

  • aspose-cells (version 25.2)
  • aspose-slides (version 25.2)
  • aspose-words (version 25.2)

I noticed that aspose-words has a JDK17 classifier available, but aspose-slides does not. When I tried to use aspose-words with JDK17 classifier and aspose-slides with JDK16 classifier, I encountered class recognition issues.

My questions are:

  1. Is it recommended to use the same JDK classifier for all Aspose libraries in a project?
  2. Is the JDK16 version of aspose-slides fully compatible with JDK17?
  3. What is the best approach for using these libraries together in a JDK17 project?

Thank you for your assistance.


Can you please provide more details about the specific class recognition issues you are encountering when using aspose-words with JDK17 and aspose-slides with JDK16?

Thank you for posting the questions.

We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): SLIDESJAVA-39633

You can obtain Paid Support Services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.

It seems there is a slight misunderstanding here, our classifiers jdk16 and jdk17 do not mean that you should use JDK 16 (btw JDK 16 does not exist) and JDK17. These classifiers mean that we compile our libraries to support all JDK versions starting from JDK 1.6 and JDK 1.7. You can use for example JDK 1.8 for all these libraries.


As @andrey.potapov has already provided the necessary details, you can refer to that information. For Aspose.Cells for Java, there’s no need to specify the classifier when adding the dependency or implementing it from the Aspose Maven repos.

thanks a lot for your answers

Thank you for using Aspose products.

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