Compatibility with the Task Parallel Library


May i inquire whether Aspose.Words.dll is compatible with the Task Parallel Library programming ? Is there any limitation or disadvantages that we should be aware of ?

Because we are planning to use Task Parallel Library in order to generate Word document in parallel mode. Since this is fundamental to our design, we need to check whether the component is compatible with it.

Is there any sample codes that we can refer for the best practices ?


hadi teo

Hi Hadi,

Thanks for your inquiry.

Well, Aspose.Words for .NET is a pure .NET solution. It is a completely independent class library and does not use any third party component in any way. There shouldn’t be any problem when using Aspose.Words with Task Parallel Library. Also, please note that Aspose components are designed to be simultaneously used by hundreds and thousands of users, for example in web applications. Aspose.Words does support multi-threading; however, the only thing you need to make sure is that you always use separate Document instances per each thread i.e. one thread should use one Document object.

Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance.

Best regards,