We have just tried to upgrade to Aspose.Words V21.7 but we are having a compile issue when using the dll in a C++CLI application. I have been able to reproduce this in a new C++/CLI project that can be found here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ao-n6dBju-a32iU8GbrVVOaF8tOY?e=aHgQf7
'Aspose::Words::CompositeNode::': redefinition; previous definition was 'property'
We have tested the scenario and managed to reproduce the same issue at our side. For the sake of correction, we have logged this problem in our issue tracking system as WORDSCPP-1116. You will be notified via this forum thread once this issue is resolved.
Currently, your issue is pending for analysis and is in the queue. Once we complete the analysis of your issue, we will then be able to provide you an estimate.
Unfortunately, the analysis of your issue has not been completed. We will be sure to inform you via this forum thread once there is an update available on it.
We regret to share with you that there is no update available on this issue at the moment. This issue is still under analysis phase. We will be sure to inform you once there is any news available on it.
@tahir.manzoor - any update on this? We can keep using the old version of the DLL which worked fine for a while, but it’s not great for our security policy to use out of date components.
Can your obfuscator use some kind of attribute or xml configuration to assign a fixed name to the property vs type to distinguish them?