Concatenate - invalid signatures


I got a problem.
We are using aspose to merge multiple pdf files, after that I do classic post processing on it via aspose pdf to add metadata, convert it to pdf_A_3U, save it and send to diff part of system where they sign it, but signed pdf I get back from them has invalid signature.

When we tried debug it and find source of our problem, we pin point it to pdf Concatenate, because when we send just solo pdf without Concatenate, it get signed without problem and we have green, but when all 4 are Concatenate we get invalid sign.

We tried even merging just 2 of them via demo here on for it and still invalid sign.
1.PDF (132.5 KB)

2.PDF (135.2 KB)

3.PDF (64.0 KB)

4.PDF (109.2 KB)

These 4 pdf files are what we tried to merge just to test and debug what is going on and I have no idea what to do.

I forgot to add that I am using 24.11.0 Aspose PDF Drawing on .net 8 c# project in linux docker.
result329.pdf (489.5 KB)

this is merged pdf that if I send to sign, I get back invalid signature.


  • Can you please share the sample code you are using to merge the document?
  • Can you please confirm if signing process is also using Aspose.PDF? If yes, please share the code snippet as well
  • If possible, please also share a PDF with valid signatures that you have been able to achieve without doing merge process

It turns out they are not using aspose to do final sign, but something they are calling blackbox, no idea what is that.

For code I tried everything.

this is last one I tried with because I am at stage where I am trying even stupid things that I could try because I run out of normal ones already
public static void SestavitPDF(List outputFiles, string outputFile)
PdfFileEditor pdfEditor = new PdfFileEditor();
pdfEditor.CopyLogicalStructure = true;
pdfEditor.CopyOutlines = true;
pdfEditor.KeepActions = true;
pdfEditor.KeepFieldsUnique = false;
pdfEditor.MergeDuplicateLayers = true;
pdfEditor.MergeDuplicateOutlines = true;
pdfEditor.RemoveSignatures = true;
pdfEditor.PreserveUserRights = false;

    pdfEditor.Concatenate(outputFiles.ToArray(), outputFile);
    pdfEditor = null; // Zrušte referenci na editor
    //GC.Collect(); // Spusťte GC pro diagnostiku


but we tried even basic and failed too
public static void SestavitPDF(List outputFiles, string outputFile)
PdfFileEditor pdfEditor = new PdfFileEditor();
pdfEditor.Concatenate(outputFiles.ToArray(), outputFile);
pdfEditor = null; // Zrušte referenci na editor
//GC.Collect(); // Spusťte GC pro diagnostiku

this is one of parts we tried to sign and it was fine
k5b54lfi.lvx.PDF (154.8 KB)

result332 is from 24.12.0
result332.pdf (521.1 KB)

result329 1 is 24.11.0
result329 1.pdf (521.1 KB)

same setting, all have invalid signitarues

I even tried to downgrade aspose pdf to 23.2.0 and same problem. Tried even merging 1 solo pdf and got same result, invalid signatures.
concatenate_24_12_0.pdf (127.4 KB)

concatenate_23_2_0.pdf (127.6 KB)

orig.PDF (123.6 KB)

very interesting thing is that when we tried today invalid signed pdf put into DSS Demonstration WebApp
it said signs are valid, this is co confusing.


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Issue ID(s): PDFNET-58911

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