Concatenating PDF Docs

Received : 2007/10/04 10:15:40
Message : I’m having a problem concatenating pdf documents. I’ve tried using filepaths as strings and filestreams. It works sometimes but it seems to fail if I have a lot of files or certain files.

In every case I am looping through the form fields and populating them. The field population works perfect everytime. This is what I get when I call the concatenate method –

"Unable to cast object of type 'xeb116a323308e2f7.xacd3aca1cf90fb28' to type 'xeb116a323308e2f7.xe3033695b7f6d53d'."

Here is my current code (Like I said, it works sometimes but generates the above error most of the time).

//Concatenate all checked Documents

success = fe.Concatenate(fsAllFilesToConcat, fsConcatFileName);

Please help. This is an important production application that needs to be deployed ASAP.


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Can you please provide us with some of the files that you are having trouble with so that we can more accurately determine the cause of hte problem.


I attached 5. If you try to concatenate all of them OR any of them with the AUTOPAY.PDF you'll get the error that I have posted.



It appears that only one file got attached. Please zip all files and then attach them by following the steps mentioned here:

However I have tested with this file and didn’t get any error.



I have tested the files that you provided and was able to reproduce the error. I have logged this as PDFKITNET-3855. Our developers will try their best to resolve this issue as soon as possible.



We have fixed this bug. We will give you a hotfix soon.


I have downloaded the hotfix that was posted on October 9th and I still have the same problem. Is this the fix that was supposed to solve the issue or are we still waiting for that one? Please respond ASAP. This issue is holding up a major production release.

Thank you.

The current hotfix has not fixed this bug. The next release will fix it. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Can I get a release date for the hotfix if possible so I can let my supervisor know?

Thanks Again!


We hope the new hotfix will be release today or tomorrow.