Concatenating PDF files with TIFF files


Are you able to concatenate PDF and TIFF files without having to convert to one or the other?

When reading through documentation, it seems you have to convert all files into either a PDF or TIFF and then concatenate them (through the use of Aspose.PDF or Aspose.Imaging). However, is it even possible to concatenate PDFs and TIFFs in one file without the conversion process?

Thank you,



We are afraid that no such feature exists in the Aspose APIs. Both TIFF and PDF are different file formats and they must be concatenated into a single file format which can either be PDF or TIFF. With Aspose.PDF (as you also mentioned), you can convert your TIFF file into PDF and then merge it with the other file to obtain the output.

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That’s what I thought. Well thank you so much!