Hello Aspose,
How do I remove a row from a table? The current way I am trying results in an exception:
table.getRows().removeAt(rowNum, false);
at java.util.SubList.checkForComodification(AbstractList.java:752)
at java.util.SubList.listIterator(AbstractList.java:682)
at java.util.AbstractList.listIterator(AbstractList.java:284)
at java.util.SubList.iterator(AbstractList.java:678)
at java.util.AbstractCollection.contains(AbstractCollection.java:82)
at java.util.AbstractCollection.removeAll(AbstractCollection.java:336)
at com.aspose.slides.pptx.RowsEx.removeAt(SourceFile:214)
Also the JavaDoc is missing for this method in your documentation:
public void removeAt(int firstRowIndex,
boolean withAttachedRows)
Has anybody successfully deleted a row using Aspose.Slides for Java???
Hello Dear,
Thanks for your interest in Aspose.Slides.
I have investigated the issue specified by you and have been able to reproduce the issue specified by you. It seems to be an issue in Aspose.Slides for Java and needs further investigation by our development team. An issue with ID 22110 has been created in our issue tracking system for this purpose. This thread has also been linked with the issue so that you may be automatically notified, once the issue is resolved.
We are sorry for your inconvenience,
I figured out a complex workaround. I wrote a Java function that merges the cells of the deleted row and deletes the resulting paragraph in the merged cell. This effectively deletes a row but is slow and buggy. Let me know if Aspose solves this exception.
Hello Dear,
It's really nice to listen that you have managed to get things going on some way the other. It will be really appreciated, if you may please share the work around with us on this forum so that we may reference this to other needy clients, if they encounter the same issue, for the time being.
Thanks and Regards,
Please try attached latest hot fix version of Aspose.Slides for Java. There are many problems were fixed. Removing rows also should work fine.
I tested this hot fix and confirmed removal of rows works now. What else was fixed in this hot fix?
Thank you Alexey and Mudassir
18294 | PPTX | Aspose.Metafiles should be included to Aspose.Slides |
21728 | PPT | IndexOutOfBoundsException: Height Issue |
21393 | PPT | getting product version |
20908 | PPT | Custom property missing in the saved presentation using Aspose.Slides |
20906 | PPT | NullPointerException on opening saved presentation using Aspose.Slides |
18890 | PPT | NullPointerException on PPT reading |
18501 | PPT | Exception arising when adding a header slide to a newly created PPT |
17488 | PPT - Cloning | IndexOutOfBoundsException on cloning the presentation slides |
18040 | PPT | getDocumentProperties().get(String) returns null |
21730 | PPT | Images are missing in the saved presentation |
21211 | PPT | Problem opening presentation generated after cloning from Aspose.Slides for Java |
20963 | PPT | IndexOutOfBoundsException on adding Body\Empty slide |
18634 | PPT | Slide cloned successfully but with IndexOutOfBoundsException |
The issues you have found earlier (filed as 22110) have been fixed in this update.
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