I’m having a problem with conditional formatting and Smart Markers. I have a cell with a smart tag that has some conditional formatting. If the formatting is based on the cell value, things work just fine. An example would be if the cell value is between 0 and 100. However, things do not work properly if the conditional formatting is based on a formula.
For example, we have a cell with a smart marker with 2 conditions for formatting. These are:
1. Formula is “=AND(ISNUMBER(A2),A2>0)”
2. Formula is “=ISBLANK(A2)”
If the value is a number greater than zero, we color the cell one color. If it is blank, we use another color. The issue is that the row references are being incremented exactly by the number of rows that are data bound minus 1. So, if we have 10 rows of data. The first condition formula for row 2 will become =AND(ISNUMBER(A11),A11>0). The condition formula for row 3 will become =AND(ISNUMBER(A12),A12>0). However, the formulas should reference the current row they are on.
I would expect this behavior to be similar to the solution in the following thread:
Custom Validation Formula is Cleared
With that fix, the custom validation formula is properly updated to reference the correct row. We are hoping the conditional formatting can be fixed to work the same way.
Please let me know if there is a workaround or a fix for this issue. Thanks for your help.
Please try this fix.
Thanks for the quick response. That fixed it. You guys are awesome.