Conflit between aspose word and aspose.word.jasperreports


I have a project which use the aspose lib below, with in Java 6 and WebLogic 12c :

aspose.word => 22.9 (only for java6)
aspose.word.jasperreports => 19.12 (aspose.words.jasperreports-4.7.0-5.5.0)
jasper => net.sf.jasperreports : 4.7.1

But in Tomcat, all is ok with the same version aspose libs. It’s strange.

I have checked the 2 jars : In the aspose.words.jasperreports-4.7.0-5.5.0.jar (Aspose.Word.Jasperreports- , there is a package named com.aspose.words ;

                 and in the aspose.word.22.9.jar for java6 , there is also a package with the same name:
                    package com.aspose.words;

then There are two issues :

 static synchronized void initLicenseForJasperReports() {
    om.aspose.words.jasperreports.License wordsJasperLicense = new com.aspose.words.jasperreports.License();
initLicenseForJasperReports : (ligne 154) - Exception : java.lang.SecurityException: class "com.aspose.words.awjr239"'s signer information does not match signer information of other classes in the same package 
genererFichierEditiqueWORD () {
    AWDocExporter exporter = new AWDocExporter(); 


genererFichierEditiqueWORD : (ligne 413) - class "com.aspose.words.awjr60"'s signer information does not match signer information of other classes in the same package


please try updating aspose.word.jasperreports to the latest version (currently 22.8). You can download it from here:
Download Aspose.Words for JasperReports 22.8.


Thank you for your response, but I can not use the latest version 22.8 with the jasperreport (4.7.1) used in my project.

In the 22.8 , the jasperreport version required minimum 6.3.0 which is not compatible with 4.7.1.


Unfortunately, we cannot reproduce this issue on our side. Please create a sample Java application (source code without compilation errors) that will help us reproduce your problem on our end, and attach it here as zip archive for testing.

As an additional note, we have discontinued support for older versions due to issues with obsolete or currently unavailable Maven dependencies.