I purchased the Total package for .NET since it has several components that I need to work with. So far I have been able to get the barcode component working but I feel that it is not the most current version available. I have sent in snapshots of my configuratino to the support team but have not received a final solution to my delima. Now that I'm truing to use the AsposePdf and AsposePdfKit components I notice that I cannot work with those even though the documentation indicates that they work with all versions up to 3.5. I assumed that I should be able to load most if not all of the Total Components into the toolbar based on the documentation and sales information.
Anyway, I feel that I'm stuck here in getting these components loaded into the toolbar where my environment is VS2008 using .NET 3.5. This is the developing environment I chose to take advantage of all the features and bug fixes of the newer components.
Today my goal was to be able to start using the PDF components and I hit a new warning about the Aspose Barcode component where it indicated that I'm used depreciated:<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Warning 1 'Aspose.BarCode.BarCodeBuilder.ImageUnit' is obsolete: 'Use GraphicsUnit instead' C:\workspace\20081217\20081217\Form1.Designer.cs 681 13 20081217
Warning 2 'Aspose.BarCode.BarCodeBuilder.RotationAngle' is obsolete: 'Use RotationAngleF instead' C:\workspace\20081217\20081217\Form1.Designer.cs 697 13 20081217
Please advise
Jim Britt