Hi there,
Is it somehow possible to have a cell value set as the result of an HTTP REST service call? I don’t want to have the value passed to the cell, but have a formula to call the service and use the response …
Hi Ricardo,
Thank you for considering Aspose APIs and welcome to the Aspose.Cells support fourm.
I believe you intend to use Aspose.Cells for Cloud, that is a REST based API providing the features to manipulate the spreadsheet formats such as XLS and XLSX in the cloud. You can use the Aspose.Cells for Cloud with any language that supports REST including Java.
giacomin: Is it somehow possible to have a cell value set as the result of an HTTP REST service call?
Please check
this documentation link for the elaboration on how you can set a cell value of a spreadsheet present on the cloud storage.
giacomin: I don't want to have the value passed to the cell, but have a formula to call the service and use the response ...
I am afraid, I am not clear about this part of your inquiry. If you wish to set the formula for a spreadsheet cell then please check
this documentation link. Otherwise please elaborate your scenario further for better understanding.
No, the idea is not using Cells for Cloud. Let me elaborate more my scenario…
I’m considering embedding Cells in my Tomcat based, web application.
As far as I know, this host application could programmatically create workbooks based on a template, write data to specific cells (input), force Aspose Cells to perform calculations and get results back reading data from specific cells (output).
My question is: can I do the other way around? I mean, instead of the host application injecting the input data, the formula of a given cell would call an http REST service (provided by the host application) to get the data it needs to perform the calculation.
Hi Ricardo,
Thank you for the elaboration.
I have look further into your requirement and I believe you can send a HTTP request to a server from an Excel spreadsheet using VBA. If you
search over the internet you can find several discussion which could help you achieve your goals. Unfortunately, Aspose.Cells APIs cannot create, manipulate or execute VBA code at the moment therefore these APIs may not be useful in reference to this particular requirement.
Ok, thank you very much for your support.