Contact related queries

Just got a few questions, if you don’t mind please?

1, Does MapiContact contain some property like VCardContact.Security.Key? Or to get the key will need to load into VCardContact?
(I’m reading MapiContact items from Pst, so should have the contact’s attached certificate?)

2, When loading Vcf, if I need to get personal info as separate fields, ie title, given name, surname etc… does VCardContact provide them separately? Or still need MapiContact from VCard?

3, Does MapiContact contain some property for IP address to date time?

4, When reading, Pst\Ost or Olm, how to obtain the Smtp/Imap/Pop/Oauth account data?
I mean name and email of main account’s sender, server name and settings etc…


I’ll answer later, on Monday.

  1. MapiContact in Aspose.Email does not directly contain a property equivalent to VCardContact.Security.Key.

  2. VCardContact provides methods to access personal information fields:

VCardContact.Organization.Title - a job title
VCardContact.IdentificationInfo.DisplayName - contact’s display name
VCardContact.IdentificationInfo.FullName.GivenName - a given name
VCardContact.IdentificationInfo.FullName.FamilyName - a family name
VCardContact.IdentificationInfo.FullName.MiddleName - a middle name

  1. MapiContact does not contain properties for IP address to date time. The MapiContact class is primarily designed to hold contact information.

  2. Account settings are usually stored within the email client (like Outlook) configuration files or profiles.