Conversion from PDF to PDF/A not implemented

We couldn’t execute PDF’A conversion, using the Java solution, because it’s not implemented.

Hi Yassine,<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Thank you for considering Aspose.Pdf.

I am afraid the feature of PDF to PDF/A conversion is not supported in Aspose.Pdf for Java (and Aspose.Pdf.Kit for Java). The issue is already registered in our issue tracking system with issue id: PDFKITJAVA-28640. Also, I would like to inform you that this feature will not be supported in our current Aspose.Pdf.Kit component as we are only providing the fixes for the priority support issue. We are not implementing any new features. But, we are in the process of porting the current Aspose.Pdf for .NET code base to Java format to introduce a merged version of Aspose.Pdf for Java (which will include both Aspose.Pdf for Java and Aspose.Pdf.Kit for Java features). Please note that the current version of Aspose.Pdf for .NET supports the feature to convert PDF file to PDF/A format and once the new version of Aspose.Pdf for Java will become available, it will support the feature of converting PDF files to PDF/A as well. As per the current schedule, first release of merged version of Aspose.Pdf for Java is planned for November-2012.

As soon as we have some updates, we will update you via this forum thread. Please be patient and spare us little time to support this feature (and release the merged version of Aspose.Pdf for Java).

Sorry for your inconvenience.