Conversion issue of doctopdf

Hi Team,
Issue in the converted PDF.

Requesting a work around solution to solve the issues in the attached documents.

sample1: (761.8 KB)

sample2: (1.5 MB)

Thanks & Regards,
Priyanga G


Thanks for your inquiry. We have tested the scenario using latest version of Aspose.Words for Java 18.6 and have not found any issue with output PDF. Please use Aspose.Words for Java 18.6 and check the attached output PDF files. Sample1_copy 18.6.pdf (297.8 KB)
sample2 18.6.pdf (607.6 KB)

Hi @tahir.manzoor,

Thanks for your quick reply.

I am also not found any issue on sample 1 using 18.6 v . Still ,the issue is remain in the sample 2. Please, kindly help me to solve the issue.Here,I have attached the screen shot of mismatched output.

Source: Capture26.PNG (27.5 KB) (1.5 MB)

Thanks & Regards,
Priyanga G


Thanks for your inquiry. We have tested the scenario and have managed to reproduce the same issue at our side. For the sake of correction, we have logged this problem in our issue tracking system as WORDSNET-17108. You will be notified via this forum thread once this issue is resolved.

We apologize for your inconvenience.


It is to update you that we have closed the issue (WORDSNET-17108) with “Won’t Fix” resolution.

If you open the attached metafile (start image) with any external tool, MS Paint for example, the “star” is rendered just like in Aspose.Words PDF output.