I am doing some research to see whether to buy the Aspose.CAD product. I was of the impression that pdfs could be transformed into IFC files, but the PDF files (single page pdfs) fail to load in my experiment. As I know the exception I get is incorrect (the PDF I provide is readable), there must be some other pilot error. Could anyone assist?
My code is simple:
static void Main(string[] args)
string f = “plan1_p2”;
License license = new License();
license.SetLicense(“/Users/xyz/Developer/github/abc/” + “Aspose.CADfor.NET.lic”);
// Load the PDF file
using (var pdfImage = Image.Load($"/Users/xyz/Desktop/{f}.pdf"))
// Create an instance of IFC options
var ifcOptions = new IfcOptions();
// Save the PDF as an IFC file
pdfImage.Save($"/Users/xyz/Desktop/{f}.pdf_translated.ifc", ifcOptions);