Conversion of PDF to PPTX with embedded fonts

hi Team,
we are evaluating aspose.pdf to convert pdt -> pptx. The generated pptx is of large size (433KB).
It has a single 400KB (font2.fndata) file. Is there any configuration option during conversion of pdf-> pptx ignore the embedded fonts.
I found one option to use Aspose.slide to remove embedded font but that will be a 2 step process.
can we ignore embedded fonts during pdf-> pptx conversion itself.


We are afraid Aspose.PDF API does not offer any such feature with PptxSaveOptions Class so you would need to process the output file with Aspose.Slides API.

Thanks for update.
please close this thread
please share the below information or please let me know who can confirm the below.
If we have license for Aspose.Total can we use the same for Aspose.PDF and Aspose.Slides.


Yes, you can use any Aspose API with the license for Aspose.Total.