Conversion of PDF to Word, tables and bulleted points support

We have an issue when converting a pdf with tables and bulleted points to word using PDF wizard.

The table and the text seems to be transformed to images.

Below sample files and code you can use to reproduce the issue:
OriginalPDF.pdf (151.3 KB)

private void button10_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Aspose.Pdf.License license = new Aspose.Pdf.License();
string dataDir = “C:/Users/hp/Documents/”;
using (Aspose.Pdf.Document theDoc = new Aspose.Pdf.Document(dataDir + “OriginalPDF.pdf”))
Aspose.Pdf.DocSaveOptions docSaveOptions = new Aspose.Pdf.DocSaveOptions();
docSaveOptions.Format = Aspose.Pdf.DocSaveOptions.DocFormat.DocX;
theDoc.Save(dataDir + “AsposePDF_ConvertedDocument.docx”, docSaveOptions);
} // using Aspose.Pdf.Document

also why its not allowing to upload generated docx file in this support thread?
image.png (8.7 KB)

can you help me with this as soon as possible, as our customers are waiting for this fix and this is downgrading our product.


Thanks for contacting support.

I have worked with source file shared by you and unable to observe the issue. I have also shared my generated result with you for your kind reference. I also like to inform that you can only attach zip file to forum. (64.5 KB)

Thanks for quick response.

The converted tables are not true Word tables. The Aspose version has a picture line grid overlayed over the text cells.

When we convert the same pdf to word using Acrobat Pro than it is converted properly (see AcrobatPro converted.docx)

Test (93.9 KB)


Can you please share comparison screenshot along with environment details ti further investigate this issue on my end.

i have already provided you both of the files(generated file from aspose and generated from Acrobat Pro) in one zip file, can you please check that for comparison.
i have created console app to test this and provided you the code to replicate.

i also found 2 reported issues for the same problem:


Thanks for contacting support.

I have observed your issue and like to inform that I have created investigation ticket with ID PDFNET-48222 in our issue tracking system to investigate and resolve this issue as soon possible.

When can I expect this fix?


I like to inform that issue has been added recently in our issue tracking system so please spare us some time so that we may investigate issue in detail to further help you out.

Can I have update on this now?
When can I expect this fix,I need to inform to our customers.


I regret to inform that issue is still unresolved. As per our company policy, the first priority for investigation is given to the Paid Support i.e. Enterprise and Priority Support on first come first serve basis. After that the issues from normal support forum are scheduled for investigation on first come first serve basis. I request for your patience and we will share good news with you soon.

Please can I have update on this now?
does anyone started working on this request?


Currently the issue is under investigation phase and as soon as its investigation is completed, we will be able to share some ETA or updates about its fix. Please spare us some time.

Any Update on this?
I understand you are working on lots of queries based on priority.
but its bit urgent for us as this issue is downgrading our product value.


We do understand your concerns and will surley take care of them during issue investigation. We have recorded them along with the ticket and will certainly inform you as soon as we have additional updates.

have you now started working on our issue?


We regret to share that your issue is still pending for analysis due to other issues in the queue. We will surely inform you as soon as we make some significant progress towards its resolution. We greatly appreciate your patience and comprehension in this regard. Please spare us some time.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Is there any update on this issue?
its been so many days, have you started working on it or not?


Initial investigation of your issue has been made and it revealed that issue require certain amount of time to get resolved. We are afraid that we cannot make any promises at the moment for an early fix. However, we will let you know as soon as we make some progress towards its resolution. We greatly appreciate your patience and comprehension in this regard. Please spare us some time.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Is there any update on this now?


Regretfully, there is no update yet on resolution of earlier-logged ticket. We will let you know as soon as we have additional udpate in this regard. Please give us some time.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.