Conversion to old RTF versions

What version of RTF does Aspose.Words save to? Is it possible to convert a file of another format (e.g. PDF or HTML) to an RTF file of an earlier version (i.e. pre 1.9)?

Thanks for your request. Aspose.Words exports RTF that conforms 1.9 specification.
But these RTFs are compatible with old readers. Moreover there is an option that instructs Aspose.Words to make images compatible with old readers:
You can convert any format supported by Aspose.Words to RTF format:
But you must note that formats like PDF, XPS, SWF cannot be opened by Aspose.Words, you can only export your documents to these formats.
Best regards,

The system we are writing RTF to is using an older RTF reader. We want to convert HTML to an older version of RTF. Do any of your tools do this?

Thanks for your request. Only Aspose.Words allows converting HTML to RTF. You can easily try whether RTF produced by Aspose.Words is compatible with your reader – simply try to load RTF document produced by Aspose.Words into your viewer.
Best regards,

We tried loading the RTF document produced by Aspose.Words into our viewer - this did not work.
So, the question remains. Can we convert HTML into RTF 1.8 using Aspose.Words (or any other of your products)? Or, does Aspose.Words always convert HTML into RTF 1.9?
Thank you.

Thanks for your request. No, there is no way to produce RTF that conforms specification older than 1.9 using Aspose.Words.
Best regards,