Convert *.docx to PDF in .NetCore 2.2 and Azure app services (Linux)

Hello, I am trying to convert a *.docx to PDF. Everything works fine with Windows. But since we moved to Linux in Azure app services, Images (png logo) are not showing up (text is fine). Graphics doesn’t seem to work correctly.

Our configuration:

  • Aspose Words for .NET 19.5.0
  • OS: Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch) on Azure app services
  • Framework: .NetCore 2.2

I installed following libraries as mentioned these posts and more:

apt-get install libgif-dev autoconf libtool automake build-essential gettext libglib2.0-dev libcairo2-dev libtiff-dev libexif-dev libgdiplus libc6-dev libx11-dev

How to Run Aspose.Words in Docker|Aspose.Words for .NET

Save a PDF under linux (Ubuntu) - #11 by ahsaniqbalsidiqui

The code is very similar to the following and WORKS IN WINDOWS platform:

var doc = new Document("myfile.docx");
using (Stream outputStream = new MemoryStream())
	// save the result to the document stream
	doc.Save(outputStream, SaveFormat.Pdf);
        outputStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
        var fileStream = File.Create("myfile.pdf");

I attached the docx file in zip: (36.1 KB)

What do I need to do to make Images work in mentioned versions of .NetCore & Linux?

Thanks in advance.

@lawmaster Thank you for your interest in Aspose.Words. Could you please make sure you have added nuget reference to SkiaSharp.NativeAssets.Linux in your project. The symptoms you have described looks like SkiaSharp native assets are missed.
Also, we encountered similar problems when deploy Azure Functions application. The reason was Azure improperly deploy SkiaSharp native assets. The solution is described here. Hope this helps.