Convert Excel to PDF in .net

How can I convert excel sheet to PDF without storing in hard drive, any example storing in memory stream and display in browser? And also the excel sheet has many tables with headers, after converting to pdf, the Pdf should be in such a way if the page is filled up with data and has little space in bottom then the header of next table should render on the next page. Thanks in Advance


Aspose.Cells does support to save/convert the Excel workbook to streams, so you may pick/use relevant overload of Save method for it. It is also possible to generate a file dynamically and send it directly to a client browser. In order to do so, use a special overloaded version of the Save method that accepts certain parameters, see the document for your reference.

There is no better way to cope with it. You may find the cell having table header text (using Find/Search options) and then manually add page breaks above it accordingly.

Thanks for the reply.

Thanks the above, worked perfectly.
How can I set the logo image of type svg in the header in converting excel to PDF, the below formatting is working well.
pageSetup.SetHeader(1, “&“Segoe UI,Bold”&20&K049fd9 I am the Header Text”);

Example will help. Thanks


See the document with example code on how to insert picture into header/footer for your reference.