Convert excel to PDF with PDF Version 1.7


We want to convert excel to PDF with PDF version 1.7.

It’s showing PDF version 1.4 with Aspose.Cells for JAVA 23.7.

Does Aspose.Cells for JAVA support PDF version 1.7?


Our latest version (23.11) defaults to outputting PDF version 1.7, while the version you are currently using defaults to 1.4. Please update to the latest version. Thank you!

This is a new feature only supported in the latest version v23.11. Please update to the latest version for testing. Please check the following documents.

Also, using latest version, you may use PdfSaveOptions.setCompliance() method to specify your desired version, see the document for your reference.

Moreover, all PDF versions (1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7 etc.) are supported, see the PdfCompliance enumeration for your reference.