Convert large pdf to text

I am working with large pdf , having 3k pages , I want to convert pdf to text, so how can I extract text from the pdf , the code which I was working before is not able to convert or extract text from pdf more than 100 pages. below is the Code sample .

using (var writer = new StreamWriter(txtDocumentStream))
	var textAbsorber = new TextAbsorber();
	await writer.WriteAsync(textAbsorber.Text);
	txtDocumentStream.Position = 0;
	await _UploadBlobFromStream(txtDocumentStream, txtMediaPath);

suggest the efficient and fastest way to perform the operation


In order to make the process faster, you can absorb text on page level like below sample:

foreach(var page in doc.Pages)
  // extract text and save into file

In case you face any issues, please share your sample file with us so that we can test the scenario in our environment and address it accordingly.