Convert MSG Meeting file to EML


When convert MSG file which is Outlook Calendar into EML file and open it in New Outlook, it does not contains Date data.

For convertion I used Aspose.Email.MailMessage and Aspose.Network.Outlook.MapiMessage.

Is any right way for convertion Appointment MSG files.
For general email it works ok.

Thank you in advanced.


To convert an MSG file, specifically an Outlook Calendar appointment, to an EML file while preserving the date data, you can utilize the Aspose.Email API effectively. Here’s a step-by-step approach to ensure that the date information is retained during the conversion process.

  1. Load the MSG File: Use the MapiMessage class to load your MSG file. This class allows you to access the properties of the message, including appointment details.

  2. Convert to MailMessage: Use the toMailMessage method to convert the MapiMessage to a MailMessage. This method is designed to handle various message types, including appointments.

  3. Preserve Date Information: Ensure that you are using the MapiConversionOptions class to set the option to preserve empty dates. This is crucial for maintaining the integrity of the date data during the conversion.

  4. Save as EML: Finally, save the MailMessage as an EML file.

Here is a code example demonstrating this process:

using Aspose.Email;
using Aspose.Email.Outlook;
using Aspose.Email.Mail;

// Load the MSG file
MapiMessage mapiMessage = MapiMessage.FromFile("path_to_your_file.msg");

// Create conversion options
MapiConversionOptions options = new MapiConversionOptions();
options.PreserveEmptyDates = true; // Preserve empty dates

// Convert to MailMessage
MailMessage mailMessage = mapiMessage.ToMailMessage(options);

// Save as EML
mailMessage.Save("output_file.eml", SaveOptions.DefaultEml);

Make sure to replace "path_to_your_file.msg" and "output_file.eml" with the actual paths for your files.

By following these steps, you should be able to convert your appointment MSG files to EML format while retaining the necessary date information. If you continue to experience issues, please ensure that you are using the latest version of the Aspose.Email library, as improvements and bug fixes are regularly released.

If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, feel free to ask!

According of sample above:

ToMailMessage requires MeilConversationOption not MapiConverstaionOption;

but firs one have no property PreserveOriginalDates;
So, following sample still does not gives results:

Dim mapiMessage As MapiMessage = MapiMessage.FromFile(“c:\temp\meet.msg”)
Dim options As MailConversionOptions = New MailConversionOptions()
'options…PreserveOriginalDates = True
Dim mailMessage As Aspose.Email.MailMessage = mapiMessage.ToMailMessage(options)
mailMessage.Save(“c:\temp\meet.eml”, Aspose.Email.SaveOptions.DefaultEml)

Hello @DNDev,

You are using an old version that is no longer supported. Please check your issue with the latest version of the Aspose.Email.

Hi Margarita,

I installed version 24.8 but same error with method ToMailMessage - it requires MailConversionOption.

Thank you.

Hi @DNDev ,

Using the latest version, please try the following code:

// Load the MSG file
 var mapiMessage = MapiMessage.Load("appointment.msg");

// Create conversion options
 var options = new MailConversionOptions
    ConvertAsTnef = true

// Convert to MailMessage
var mailMessage = mapiMessage.ToMailMessage(options);

// Save as EML
mailMessage.Save("appointment.eml", SaveOptions.DefaultEml);

If the problem persists, please share the msg file for further investigation.

Hi Margarita,

Code above generates some attachment which I actually dont need;
I just changed options by this: {.PreserveEmbeddedMessageFormat = True, .PreserveRtfContent = True}

But anyway, there are no any Date (start time, end time) data in generated EML file.
meanwhile you can see these data in MSG file.

Please see attached file:
Original MSG file

@DNDev ,

Thank you for providing the file. We’ll look into the problem and get back to you soon.

1 Like

Hi Margarita,

Is any news related to mentioned issue ?


Hi @DNDev ,

EML format(MIME - Wikipedia) does not assume the presence of such properties as start and end. When converting the msg format to eml, the meeting data is converted to ICS format(iCalendar - Wikipedia) and attached to the message as an alternative view. Below is the code on how to get the desired values ​​using Aspose.Email.
If you want see these dates in Outllok you can save appointment to ics file various methods, as show in code below, and then open it in Outlook.

            Using eml As Email.MailMessage = Email.MailMessage.Load("meet.msg")
                For Each av In eml.AlternateViews
                    If Equals(av.ContentType.MediaType, "text/calendar") Then
                        Dim appointment As Email.Calendar.Appointment = Email.Calendar.Appointment.Load(av.ContentStream)
                        Dim start As Date = appointment.StartDate
                        Dim [end] As Date = appointment.EndDate

                        appointment.Save("FileForOutlook1.ics", Email.Calendar.AppointmentSaveFormat.Ics)
                    End If
            End Using

            Using msg As Email.Mapi.MapiMessage = Email.Mapi.MapiMessage.Load("meet.msg")
                Dim cal As Email.Mapi.MapiCalendar = CType(msg.ToMapiMessageItem(), Email.Mapi.MapiCalendar)
                Dim ms As MemoryStream = New MemoryStream()
                cal.Save("FileForOutlook2.ics", Email.Calendar.AppointmentSaveFormat.Ics)

                cal.Save(ms, Email.Calendar.AppointmentSaveFormat.Ics)
                Dim app As Email.Calendar.Appointment = Email.Calendar.Appointment.Load(ms)
                Dim start As Date = app.StartDate
                Dim [end] As Date = app.EndDate

                app.Save("FileForOutlook3.ics", Email.Calendar.AppointmentSaveFormat.Ics)
            End Using

Hi Alexander,

Thank you providing code for ICS file;

I used that one and also code for build EML file with body and Alternative View:

            Dim ics = Calendar.Appointment.Load("FileForOutlook1.ics")
            Dim eml1 = MailMessage.Load("meet.eml")
            eml1.Save("result.eml", New EmlSaveOptions(MailMessageSaveType.EmlFormat))

As a result, EML file can open from Classic Outlook with all data, but New Outlook still unable to show Appointment data.

May be alternative view should be added by some specific way ?

Hi @DNDev

Could you share with your eml and ics files for analysis?

Hi Alexander,

Please see links below:

ICS file
EML file

You are using the correct method to add an alternative view

We could not find any problems in the resulting eml file. As described in many articles, New Outlook is not a replacement of the Outlook desktop program, so I’m afraid this is a issue with the New Outlook with opening eml files with the alternative view text/calendar type.