Convert .numbers to pdf, pages split very strange

I have a .numbers file converted to pdf, the pdf looked like this,

image.jpg (343.5 KB)

are there any parameters I can use to make the pdf more user friendly

There are two suggestions to make your PDF output look more friendly.

  1. If you can accept not dividing the content into multiple pages. As an alternative, you can output a worksheet to a whole page. Please refer to the following document.
    Render One PDF Page Per Excel Worksheet - Excel to PDF Conversion|Documentation

  2. You can also change the pagination position by setting the paper size. Please refer to the following document.
    Setting Page Options|Documentation

Would you like to provide the sample file? We will check it soon.

Thank you! I choose to set a proper paper size. Are there any way to get the width of numbers file, so I can set paper size accordingly.

You can refer to the following code to get the width of the worksheet, the paper size, and the pagination range under the specified paper.

Workbook wb = new Workbook(filePath + "sample.xlsx");

Worksheet sheet = wb.Worksheets[0];
Cells cells = sheet.Cells;
//get worksheet width, in units of inches
double totalWidth = 0.0d;
int maxDataColumn = sheet.Cells.MaxDataColumn;
for (int i = 0; i <= maxDataColumn; i++)
  totalWidth += sheet.Cells.GetColumnWidthInch(i);
//set paper size type
sheet.PageSetup.PaperSize = PaperSizeType.PaperA3;
//get pager size
Console.WriteLine("PaperA3 size: " + sheet.PageSetup.PaperWidth + "x" + sheet.PageSetup.PaperHeight);

//get the pagination range
CellArea[] areas = sheet.GetPrintingPageBreaks(new ImageOrPrintOptions());

Hope helps a bit.

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