Convert OBJ to FBX file using aspose-3d

I want to convert a OBJ file in which there is data of mediapipe 3d face landmarks like x, y, z coordinates. Using online aspose-3d I am able to convert OBJ to FBX, but using Python code for the same which is given by aspose-3d library itself it’s not working. Conversion takes place but the FBX file generated is empty. I need to do it anyhow, please reply asap.
I am using below code of aspose for the conversion -

import aspose.threed as a3d

scene = a3d.Scene.from_file("frame311.obj")"Output.fbx")
```[aspose-3d link](

Can you please share the sample files for our reference so that we can further proceed to assist you accordingly?

I am not able to share the OBJ extension file here. can you please tell me how can I share you the sample OBJ file ?

You can send me the OBJ file to as attachment or link from Dropbox/GDrive.

Yes, I shared, please check

Hi @lex.chou, I getting this error when I convert batch of OBJ files to FBX, I have to convert the OBJ to FBX in the multiple of 1000 to 3000 frames at a time,

RuntimeError: Proxy error(ImportException): You are using an evaluation copy and have opened files exceeding limitation.

And I shared you one obj file for reference through mail.

Please reply!

I I have reviewed the file, and it appears to contain only point definitions without any mesh or polygon data. It’s important to note that FBX format does not support point cloud type. Consequently, the converted FBX file turns out to be empty due to the absence of supported mesh or polygon definitions. If you have any further questions or if there’s anything else I can assist you with, please feel free to let me know.

Unlicensed usage will trigger an exception. While it’s possible to suppress this exception, unlicensed usage still carries limitations such as maximum entities and mesh elements. The following code can suppress the exception for unlicensed usage, but it won’t unlock all features.

import aspose.threed as a3d

Yes, I understood this one, now I am having one txt file in which there is a face geometry data which I am adding at the end of our existing landmark coordinates, then it’s showing proper face when I view this OBJ file in Autodesk,
PFA the file which I am adding in my original face data.

(Attachment custom_data_vt_f.txt is missing)

Using this code, can I convert all my (may be 3k-5k) OBJ files to FBX ?

Hi @lex.chou, by reading your answer that Unlicensed usage will trigger an exception , I decided to just process only 50 OBJ to FBX file conversion, and it’s working fine but there is another issue arises that only on fresh login I can convert 50 OBJ files into FBX , when on the same run it’s giving me the error as -

Error occurred: Proxy error(ImportException): You are using an evaluation copy and have opened files exceeding limitation.

So, my question is , is there any session logout time module do you have, by using which I can avoid above error.

Please reply soon.

Have you tried the above code to suppress the exception? That will do what you want.

Yes, I used that exception suppression code , at the start of my function, but no luck , still I am having the same issue.
I am using latest version - aspose-3d 23.9.0


Please install 23.9.1 and try again.
NOTE: calling TrialException.set_suppress_trial_exception or when trial exception suppressed a message will be output to console.

Thanks for reply!
with 23.9.1 it’s working but the message is getting display on the console


Do you want API to throw this message as an exception?

Hii @lex.chou ,there is one issue occurred that, I am having a folder of obj files in which there are multiple (~1k-2k) OBJ files, So When I am trying to convert the first 100 OBJ files into FBX then it should convert sequentially that means for first 100 OBJ files it should also give first 100 FBX files as per the sequence in OBJ folder, but it’s converting the random FBX files not as per the sequence of OBJ files.

Please reply!


We will get back to you soon on this matter.

Can you share your code to us?

Hi @lex.chou , I solved this issue by using Python code.
Thanks for your reply