Convert pdf to xml using python

Hi Team I’m trying to convert pdf to xml in python using asposepdf lib. and below code i wrote
import asposepdfcloud
from asposepdfcloud.apis.pdf_api import PdfApi

#Get App key and App SID from
pdf_api_client = asposepdfcloud.api_client.ApiClient(

pdf_api = PdfApi(pdf_api_client)
remote_name = 'sample.pdf'
output_file= 'sample.xml'
#upload PDF file to storage
#Covert PDF to XML and save in Aspose default storage
response = pdf_api.put_pdf_in_storage_to_xml(remote_name,output_file)

while the above code getting the below error

HTTP response body: {"RequestId":"a90c8124-08a2-43fb-9a7e-fc333a394e87","Error":{"Code":"internalError","Message":"Tagged pdf expected. Please use tagged pdf file for converting to xml format or use MobiXml for untagged pdf.","Description":"Operation Failed. Internal error.","DateTime":"2021-09-28T15:39:56.3280544Z","InnerError":null}}

Can anyone help me in this issue.

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