Convert PDF (XFA form) to HTML converter

We have following requirement , Can you comback if your tool support these requirement:

  1.       Complex PDF to Webform Conversion with Validations:
           o            The project demands the conversion of complex PDF forms or AcroForms into web forms.   (Sample PDF form are attached )
           o            These web forms must include field validations to ensure accurate data entry.
  2.       Modifiability of Created Webforms:
           o            The web forms should be easily modifiable.
           o            Changes to form layouts, fields, and validations should not impact existing submissions.
  3.       Sharing Webform Links:
           o            Generated webform links should be shareable.
           o            Users can access these forms via application links and input data.
  4.       Integration with Third-Party APIs or Webservices:
           o            The system must allow seamless integration with third-party APIs or webservices to save the Form data.
           o            Form data should be configurable to save directly to external endpoints


Unfortunately, no method or functionality is available at the moment to convert a PDF into Webform. However, please share a sample PDF for our reference. We will log an investigation ticket for feasibility check and share the ID with you.

Hello Asad,

So our original requirement is converting attached PDF (XFA Forms) into HTML/Webforms. But I got to know that you have tool which convert

XFA forms into Acro Forms.

If yes , please try attached PDF to convert into Acro forms and let us know the result.

H2060-A.pdf (91.6 KB)

H2060.pdf (143 KB)

h6516.pdf (248 KB)


Please check the attached output PDFs that we obtained in our environment after converting XFA to Standard AcroForm.
H2060.out.pdf (185.2 KB)

H2060-A.out.pdf (153.7 KB)

For the third file, we faced an exception and logged an issue as PDFNET-57000 in our issue management system. We will further look into it and let you know once its resolved.

When you say HTML/Webforms, do you mean ASPX pages or simple HTML file? Can you please confirm?