I am trying to convert an SVG file to PDF. The conversion appears to be finishing successfully. However, when the PDF file is opened, all images and text have been removed. Any help would be appreciated. Below is the method I am using to preform the conversion. I can provide the source and final product if needed.
static public void SVGToPDF(string PathToFile)
// Instantiate SvgLoadOptions object using SVG load option
Aspose.Pdf.SvgLoadOptions loadopt = new Aspose.Pdf.SvgLoadOptions();
loadopt.ConversionEngine = Aspose.Pdf.SvgLoadOptions.ConversionEngines.NewEngine;
// Create Document object
Aspose.Pdf.Document doc = new Aspose.Pdf.Document(PathToFile, loadopt);
// Save the resultant PDF document
doc.Save(Path.ChangeExtension(PathToFile, “pdf”));