Convert Word to PDF- for a specific Word file, an incorrect PDF file was created

I use your package to convert a Word file to a PDF file.
Usually the conversion is correct and the PDF file is the same as the Word file,
But in a specific Word file the generated PDF file is not the same as the Word file.
Word file example:
WordFile.docx (39.5 KB)

Generated PDF file:
PDFFile.pdf (45.6 KB)

missing part-


I will thank you if you check it

@Oryos The problem is not reproducible on my side using the latest 24.5 version of Aspose.Words and the following simple code:

Document doc = new Document(@"C:\Temp\in.docx");

Here is the output produced on my side: out.pdf (49.6 KB)

I have inspected your output PDF and see that David font used in the original MS Word document is not embedded into the PDF. Most likely the environment does not have this font. Please note Aspose.Words needs the fonts used in the document to build document layout upon conversion to PDF. If Aspose.Words cannot find the font used in the document, the font is substituted. This might lead into fonts mismatch and document layout differences due to the different fonts metrics. You can implement IWarningCallback to get notifications when font substitution is performed.
Please see our documentation to learn how to specify location where Aspose.Words will look for fonts: