Convert XFA to AcroForm Including Data

I have followed the instructions for converting XFA forms to AcroForms, however this does not include the data that has been saved in the form, eg, the text input by the user into the form fields. Is there a way to convert ZFA forms to AcroForms and preserve this user data?


Can you please share your sample source PDF file for our reference? We will test the scenario in our environment and address it accordingly.

notification_of_a_proposed_larger_home_extension - 7 Stathmore Road.pdf (134.9 KB)


We were able to notice the similar issue in our environment while testing the scenario with latest version of the API. Therefore, it has been logged as PDFNET-50411 in our issue tracking system. We will further look into its details and keep you posted with the status of its correction. Please be patient and spare us some time.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Was there a resolution to this problem? I am currently having the same issue. I want to convert an pdf with an XFA form that has been completed by a user to an Acroform and maintain the data input by the user.


We are afraid that earlier logged ticket is not yet resolved. There are other issues in the queue which were logged prior to it. We will surely check and resolve the ticket on a first come first serve basis. We will inform you in this forum thread as soon as some updates are available regarding its fix. Please be patient and spare us some time.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.