Convert XFA to AcroForm using Aspose.PDF for .NET to extract text from PDF documents


We are unable to convert the PDF document which is made by (LiveCycle Designer) to text format.
And getting the message as below…

Please wait…
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Hello Ramesh,

Thanks for using our products.

I am afraid you cannot extract text from XFA form, because XFA form contains contents in XML format and the controls/contents are rendered during the time of PDF viewing. If you simply select the XFA from in Windows Explorer (press one mouse click), you will notice that a preview image of file is shown and it shows the similar text as you have specified in your earlier post.

We are sorry for this inconvenience.

man ive been trying this for ages and nothing works for me either…

i actually had to go back to for the time being…

please help me figure out, basically exact same problem

Hi Sam,

Thanks for using our products.

In order to extract text from XFA form, first you need to convert it to Standard Acroform. For further details, please visit Convert Dynamic XFA form to Standard AcroForm

In case you encounter any issue, please share the source XFA form, so that we can test the scenario at our end. We are sorry for this inconvenience.