Convert xls with microsoft graph chart to xlsx and xlsm cause unreadable content error


I did some conversion on a sample file .xls that contain Microsoft graph chart to .xlsx and .xlsm and resulting the output file with unreadable content error. I’m using both c# and Java aspose.cell (latest ver. 19.3)

Here’s my sample codes and my test files: (169.3 KB)

Zhi Lin


We were able to observe the issue but we need to look into it more. We have logged the issue in our database for investigation and for a fix. Once, we will have some news for you, we will update you in this topic.

This issue has been logged as

CELLSNET-46696 - Convert XLS cause unreadable content


This is to inform you that we have fixed your issue (logged earlier as “CELLSNET-46696”) now. We will soon provide you the fixed version after performing QA and incorporating other enhancements and fixes.


Can I check with you guys is it only .net aspose cells is having this issue ? what about the Java aspose cells ? thanks


The fixes we add to .NET are automatically included in the Java version. Before publishing new (official) version of Aspose.Cells for Java (in Downloads section and maven repos.), we finalize the release and make sure that all the .NET fixes should be included into Java and vice versa. You may wait for the next official release, i.e., Aspose.Cells for Java v19.5 (the release is scheduled in the third or fourth week of May 2019), so you may try it for your needs.


Please try our latest version/fix: Aspose.Cells for .NET v19.4.3:

Aspose.Cells19.4.3 For .Net4.0.Zip (4.9 MB)
Aspose.Cells19.4.3 For .NetStandard20.Zip (4.0 MB)
Aspose.Cells19.4.3 For .Net2_AuthenticodeSigned.Zip (4.9 MB)

Your issue should be fixed in it.

Let us know your feedback.


I have tested the latest version of Aspose Cells with all my test files and checked that this issue have been fixed. Even though this issue have been fixed, I observed that one of my test file is throwing the same error (unreadable content error) which didn’t occur for the previous version of Aspose Cells. I did a thorough testing and found out that those ole objects in the sample excel file is causing the error. Can you please help me to verify this ?

Here’s the file that I use for testing: (300.3 KB)



We were able to observe the issue but we need to look into it more. We have logged the issue in our database for investigation and for a fix. Once, we will have some news for you, we will update you in this topic.

This issue has been logged as

CELLSNET-46712 - Convert XLS cause unreadable content


This is to inform you that we have fixed your issue (logged earlier as “CELLSNET-46712”) now. We will soon provide you the fixed version after performing QA and incorporating other enhancements and fixes.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as CELLSNET-46696,CELLSNET-46712) have been fixed in Aspose.Cells for .NET v19.5. This message was posted using BugNotificationTool from Downloads module by Amjad_Sahi