Convert .xlsx to .prn


We are facing a problem related to conversion of an .xlsx file to .prn. We are trying
to make a custom implementation in order to avoid the limit of 240 characters. We want to know if aspose.cells can solve this problem and how can help us to become more efficient.

Thanks in advance

Would you like to provide your sample file and executable Console project? We will check it soon.

The thing is. I need to convert an xlsx file to prn and there is no choice for that. Is prn included in any other way ?

The file with the prn suffix is Formatted Text (Space delimited), and you can achieve the goal through the following code.

The sample code as follows:

Workbook wb = new Workbook(filePath + "sample.xlsx");
TxtSaveOptions options = new TxtSaveOptions();
options.Separator = ' ';
wb.Save(filePath + "out_net.prn", options);

Hope helps a bit.

By creating a sample file for testing, there are slight differences between the result file and the PRN file saved via Excel after saving the file to PRN format. Please refer to the attachment. (11.3 KB)

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