Convert XSL-FO to PDF in C# using Aspose.PDF - Some tags are not working

I am converting XSL-FO to PDF.

convertion code:

XMLs[0].Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
			Document pdfDocument = new Document(XMLs[0], new XslFoLoadOptions());
			pdfDocument.Save(pdf, SaveFormat.Pdf);

The problem is 1:
the <fo:basic-link internal-destination=“1234”> is not rendered to be a clickable element (the use case is I put this link to the Table of Content and the the user can click an entry to the right page, useful for multiple-page pdf)

2: similarly I would like to generate bookmark in the pdf for easier navigation, but this
<fo:bookmark internal-destination="1234">
does not render to be a book mark in the output pdf

This the sample xsl-fo file (needs to rename the file extention to .xml)
coversheet.pdf (20.3 KB)
This is the desire PDF, note that the table of content support clickable navigation and also the bookmarks shown in the left hand side of PDF
Ad-Hoc including Multi File Upload.pdf (2.3 MB)


Thank you for contacting support.

We have tried to validate the file at below link but there appears some problem. Would you please share if you are able to generate a correct PDF file with attached source file so that we may investigate if the issue lies with API or not. Moreover, you may ZIP any file and share it with us, for future references.

Sorry I did not check the uploaded file carefully enough.
Now I attached two version of the file, #1 is the full version that I confirm that the Apose API can definitely render to PDF, but does not work with the link you provided(maybe the engine used in the link has more constraints)
#2 is the min version that works both with Aspose API and the link

Note that if the PDF is generated with the link using #2 min version, only the bookmark is working and the table of content is not, probably because the content of the pdf is removed in the min version. (1.4 KB) (2.6 KB)


Thank you for the details.

We have logged an investigation ticket with ID PDFNET-47352 in our issue management system for further investigation and resolution. The ticket ID has been linked with this thread so that you will receive notification as soon as the ticket is resolved.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Just curious what is the status of this issue?
It has been always 3 months and there has not been no updates so far…


I like to inform that issue is still unresolved. We are working on this issue and will share good news with you soon.