I’m using Aspose.PDF for .NET version 19.11 and I’m getting all blank image file after converting PDF page to image.
Thank you for contacting support.
Would you please share SSCCE code along with source and generated files so that we may try to reproduce it in our environment.
Hi Farhan,
Here is the SSCCE.
Thank you,
Please note that support is provided based on latest available version so the problem of blank image for File2.pdf
file has been logged as PDFNET-47349. We will let you know once any update will be available in this regard.
Please keep us updated if you have any ETA for this issue.
The issue has been logged after initial investigations and reproduction using the data shared by you. However, it has been logged under free support model and will be investigated on first come first serve basis. Therefore, it may take some months to resolve. As soon as we have some definite updates regarding ticket resolution, we will let you know.
Furthermore, we also offer paid support model where issues are resolved on urgent basis and have priority over the issues logged under free support model. You may check our Paid Supportoptions for your reference.
Can someone let me know what the status is for this case? How can I get it expedited and resolved? The bug is still outstanding in Aspose.PDF that we purchased last year.
Regretfully, the ticket has not been yet resolved. As shared already, it will be investigated and resolved after the issues logged prior to it. On the other hand, priority support option has also been shared with you in our previous response in order to get the ticket expedited. We will surely inform you as soon as we have some definite updates regarding issue fix. Please give us some time.
We apologize for your inconvenience.