I am trying to convert the attached XLS file to XLSM where the output file is trimming the link path.
i.e. the output xlsm file is having the partial path in the link.
In the template file the link is in named ranges.
Please do the needful.
LinkInNameRangeIsHavingPartialPath.zip (80.1 KB)
Thanks for the template file and details.
Could you please provide details where (in which source XML file or data file) we have to locate the difference? Alternatively, if the issue can be seen for the named ranges in MS Excel, kindly do provide details and screenshots to highlight which chars or part of the link Aspose.Cells is removing in the output XLSM file. This will help us to evaluate your issue precisely and we could log appropriate ticket(s) for the issue.
To view the difference in Excel file,
Open the file > Go to Named ranges > select the “NR_Test” named range (only this NR is present in the file.) > In the Refers To section we can see the link.
To view the differences in XML file,
As the original file is XLS, we can’t see it directly, so we can convert the file to XLSM using MS Excel and then can see the content in file “\xl\externalLinks_rels\externalLink1.xml.rels”
In same path we can see the link in the Aspose converted file as well, where we can see the difference.
Attached the screenshots below. for both.
ScreenShots.zip (188.3 KB)
Thanks for the screenshots and details.
Please notice, I am able to reproduce the issue as you mentioned (via screenshots) by using your template file. I found when converting the XLS file to XLSM is deleting few chars at the end in the link of the named ranges:
Sample code:
Workbook workbook = new Workbook("e:\\test2\\LinkInNameRangeIsHavingPartialPath.xls");
I have logged a ticket with an id “CELLSNET-51778” for your issue. We will look into it soon.
Once we have an update on it, we will let you know.
The issues you have found earlier (filed as CELLSNET-51778) have been fixed in this update. This message was posted using Bugs notification tool by johnson.shi
Hi Amjad,
I have verified this issue in the version 22.9.0, Though I can see the link is present fully, the relation ship type of the link is changed to
but if we convert
using Excel the relationship type is
Please do the needful.
The external link is out of limitation of ‘http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/externalLinkPath’
If we use ‘http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/externalLinkPath’
, we have to remove some chars to avoid corrupted file.
We will look into how to work as MS Excel soon.
Also, we have logged a separate ticket with a id “CELLSNET-52143” for your issue. We will investigate your in details and update you once we have any new information available.
This is to inform you that your issue “CELLSNET-52143” has been resolved now. The fix will be included in our upcoming release (Aspose.Cells v22.11) which is scheduled in the first half of November, 2022. You will also be notified when the next version is released.
The issues you have found earlier (filed as CELLSNET-52143) have been fixed in this update. This message was posted using Bugs notification tool by johnson.shi