I have recently purchased the Asopse.Total package with a developer subscription. My task is to convert old office files into their corresponding modern filetypes (ex: .doc to docx).
As I understand it, there is no one method to process a file and determine which specific tool to use for the conversion (words or cells or images etc.). therefore, I am trying to create a mapping file based on the file extensions I have to handle.
the list of extensions is as follows: “doc”,“docm”,“docx”,“dot”,“dotm”,“dotx”,“htm”,“html”,“mht”,“mhtml”,“odt”,“pdf”,“rtf”,“txt”,“wps”,“xml”,“xps”,“csv”,“dbf”,“dif”,“ods”,“prn”,“slk”,“xla”,“xlam”,“xls”,“xlsb”,“xlsm”,“xlsx”,“xlt”,“xltm”,“xltx”,“xlw”,“bmp”,“emf”,“gif”,“jpg”,“mp4”,“odp”,“png”,“pot”,“potm”,“potx”,“ppa”,“ppam”,“pps”,“ppsm”,“ppsx”,“ppt”,“pptm”,“pptx”,“thmx”,“tif”,“tiff”,“wmf”,“wmv”,“emf”,“slk”,“msg”,“eml”,“elm”,
What i want to create is a json object like this:
“handler”: “words”,
“relevantExtensions”: [“doc”, “dot”…]
I am having trouble with the mapping process (for instance, which tool do I use to convert ‘htm’ files to html? and so on). Is there a page somewhere that says which tool supports which extensions? if not, what’s the mose efficient way to get the mapping done?