Converting 'binary' files to 'modern'


I have recently purchased the Asopse.Total package with a developer subscription. My task is to convert old office files into their corresponding modern filetypes (ex: .doc to docx).

As I understand it, there is no one method to process a file and determine which specific tool to use for the conversion (words or cells or images etc.). therefore, I am trying to create a mapping file based on the file extensions I have to handle.

the list of extensions is as follows: “doc”,“docm”,“docx”,“dot”,“dotm”,“dotx”,“htm”,“html”,“mht”,“mhtml”,“odt”,“pdf”,“rtf”,“txt”,“wps”,“xml”,“xps”,“csv”,“dbf”,“dif”,“ods”,“prn”,“slk”,“xla”,“xlam”,“xls”,“xlsb”,“xlsm”,“xlsx”,“xlt”,“xltm”,“xltx”,“xlw”,“bmp”,“emf”,“gif”,“jpg”,“mp4”,“odp”,“png”,“pot”,“potm”,“potx”,“ppa”,“ppam”,“pps”,“ppsm”,“ppsx”,“ppt”,“pptm”,“pptx”,“thmx”,“tif”,“tiff”,“wmf”,“wmv”,“emf”,“slk”,“msg”,“eml”,“elm”,

What i want to create is a json object like this:
“handler”: “words”,
“relevantExtensions”: [“doc”, “dot”…]

I am having trouble with the mapping process (for instance, which tool do I use to convert ‘htm’ files to html? and so on). Is there a page somewhere that says which tool supports which extensions? if not, what’s the mose efficient way to get the mapping done?


I suggest you to please visit Aspose.Total for .NET documentation section that specifies each API in the suite. You can traverse supported file format section for each API mentioned in the suite. Some examples are:

Aspose.Words supported file formats
Aspose.Cells supported file formats
Aspose.PDF supported file formats
Aspose.Slides supported file formats
Aspose.Email supported file formats
Aspose.HTML supported file formats
Aspose.Imaging supported file formats

Thank you. That certainly helped.

However, i wasn’t able to find the following file types:

slk, wps, prn, xlw, thmx

can you let me know if these file types are supported, and if so, by which product(s)?

Thanks a lot!


For .thmx file, you can use Aspose.Slides. However, other formats are not supported by any of Aspose API.