Converting excel into word

I tried of converting an excel document into a word document using your programme and Aspose Cells. But generated word document contains border lines, which are not part of the excel document format. So Could you please help in this regard to convert it without borders?

For reference, here I attached both the documents.


Well, Aspose.Cells for Java does not have any built-in feature to convert Excel files to Word documents. The component only supports Excel file formats e.g XLS, XLSX, Tab Delimited, CSV, SpreadsheetML, PDF, Html etc. as the product is spreadsheet manipulation component.

We are not familiar how did you convert Excel file to Word document so we may not help you much to do it, by the way how did you do it, which tools or .NET API you used.

Thank you.


I have used the programme which I got from Aspose for conversion. Here it is attached for reference.

Thank you.


I think it would be better you ask Aspose.Words team for your issue as they created the sample program.

Thank you.