Converting from word- table header text is lost

We are evaluating Aspose.PDF to convert word documents (created with Aspose.Words) to pdfs.

When I convert the attached document, the white text in the table header is lost and the table header is completely black.

Any suggestions?


Thanks for reporting this problem.

We have reproduced in testbed and will try to find out reasons ASAP.

I found the text color and background color of the cell in xml are both black. This needs the Aspose.Words to change the xml. I move this post to the Aspose.Words team so that they will resolve this problem in future versions.


I have logged this issue as #1422 and we will try to fix it as soon as possible. Thank you for reporting it.

Thanks Dmitry,

Any estimate on when this fix will be ready?

We'll try to fix it in several days (in the next hotfix) but no promises. Thank you for understanding.

Fixed in Aspose.Words 4.0.5. Auto font color is now supported in export to PDF.

Thanks!! Will this be coming out in the java version also?

This was .NET specific issue because only Aspose.Words for .NET outputs Aspose.Pdf.Xml for Aspose.Pdf to produce PDF. That color was fixed in the XML exporter in Aspose.Words.

As of today Aspose does not have a solution to convert DOC to PDF on the Java platform, but we are working on it. You might get to see it in 2007.

It’s working. Thanks.