I am trying to convert the e-mail html content to pdf.
Currently i am using wkhtmltopdf, it converts in a specified “200” dpi resolution.
Now i am trying to convert it aspose.html and convert etc. and the resolution is to big, it looks like.
var htmlf = new Aspose.Html.HTMLDocument(cHtmlFile);
Aspose.Html.Saving.PdfSaveOptions pdf = new Aspose.Html.Saving.PdfSaveOptions();
pdf.PageSetup.AnyPage = new Page(new Aspose.Html.Drawing.Size(1550 , 2193), new Margin(70, 60, 70, 60));
pdf.HorizontalResolution = 300;
pdf.VerticalResolution = 300;
pdf.JpegQuality = 80;
Converter.ConvertHTML(htmlf, pdf, cPdfFile);
When i use a drawing size of 793 x 1122 the resulting pdf size is 21,0cm x 29,7cm (A4 size).
When i use a drawing size of 1550 x 2193 the resulting pdf size is 41,0 cm x 58 cm.
This size is like outlook/wkhtmltopdf.
I am trying to convert it so the destination is “readable” using pdf.
attached “2024-04-15_20-56-14.jpg (45.6 KB)” is printed from outlook.
mail20240415_205629_000HJ0 - aspose_html_to_pdf.pdf (14.8 KB)
mail20240415_205629_000HJ0 - wkhtmltopdf.pdf (10.4 KB)
The HorizontalResolution etc doesn’t seem to work.
Using Aspose 23.3.0 / .net 3.5
Can you please share your sample source HTML in .zip format as well? We will test the scenario in our environment and address it accordingly.
mail20240415_205629_000HJ0.zip (1.0 KB)
Attached the zip file with the HTML content from the e-mail.
We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.
Issue ID(s): HTMLNET-5452
You can obtain Paid Support Services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.
How will i know when it will be fixed ?
I cannot see the “internal issue tracking system” i guess.
Since the ticket is attached at the bottom of this forum thread. We will be sending you a notification here as soon as the ticket is fixed. We will also be sharing updates related to the ticket in this forum thread as well.
Horizontal Resolution only affects the resolution of images inside a PDF document, text and other elements that are not pictures are not affected. Please clarify, what do you mean by readable text? Because the text in the resulting PDF document is not a bitmap image and when viewing the PDF, it is scaled by the viewer to the current scale of the viewer without quality loss.
Resolution in pixels is no problem at all (of course) in this example PDF.
But i have PDF’s with images in it. I want to create the PDF with images embedded in a 200 or 300dpi resulting PDF with images.
How can i create a PDF with 21 x 29,7cm with images in 300 dpi ?
How can i create a PDF with 21 x 29,7cm with images in 200 dpi ?
We have updated the ticket information and will be sharing our feedback with you after analyzing it.