Converting PDF to PowerPoint gives no images in the resulting pptx

Im evaluating Aspose.PDF .NET for use to create PDF’s and to convert PDF to PowerPoint. On my local windows 10 pc this works great, but on our server (CentOS 7.8.2003) the resulting pptx-file have no images, only the texts. We have installed libgdiplus. Is this a known issue or do we need to install/configure something else to get the images working?


You can please try to install windows fonts as well as install CoreCompat.System.Drawing. In case you still face any issue, please share your sample PDF file with us. We will test the scenario in our environment and address it accordingly.

example.pdf (559.2 KB)
This is an example PDF I’m trying to convert. I did install the mscorefonts as well. CoreCompat.System.Drawing is included in dotnet 3.1 afaik. Or do I need to install it separately? If so, how?


We are preparing specific environment to test the scenario with your file. In the meanwhile, would you kindly share the generated PPTX file with us which does not have images inside it.