Converting PDF to TIFF - PDF Stamps Problem

Hello everybody!

I’m writing a litte service that converts .pdf files to .tiff files and for simple pdf documents everything works fine. But when I try to convert files containing a pdf-stamp (created and added in Adobe Acrobat Pro) the converted tiff file does not look as expected!
The stamp is much larger than it was in the pdf file.
I’m using “Aspose.Pdf.Kit.dll” - Version!

Is there any way to handle those stamps in the converting procedure?

Thanks in advance,

Hi Bernhard,

Thank you very much for considering Aspose.

Could you please share the input PDF file with us along with the code snippet you’re using at your end? This will help us test and reproduce the issue using your particular scenario and we’ll be able to guide you accordingly.

We’re sorry for the inconvenience and looking forward to help you out.


Thanks for your reply!

Here is the code (as simple as it gets :wink: ):

PdfConverter pdfConv = new PdfConverter();
pdfConv.SaveAsTIFF(outputPath.Replace(".pdf", “.tiff”));

I’ve added a document as example! And the tif - result!
The pdf contains two stamps (green symbols) and the resulting file contains just one (the other one is lost!) and the position is also not correct!

Thank you,

Hi Bernhard,

Thank you very much for sharing the files and the code snippet. I have reproduced this issue at my end and logged it as PDFKITNET-25764 in our issue tracking system. Our team will look into this issue and you’ll be updated via this forum thread once it is resolved.

We’re sorry for the inconvenience.