Converting PPT to PDF in C# Causes Seg Fault in Linux Using Aspose.Slides.NET6 CrossPlatform 24.5

Getting a seg fault error when trying to convert a ppt to pdf. Documentation says we need
Glibc 2.23 or higher and it looks like we do do have that, we are using (Debian GLIBC 2.36-9+deb12u7) . We are running this in a Kubernetes container ( linux) and it doesn’t appear to be a memory issue. We do have the following files present in the bin folder:


Any ideas?

I have a sample file I can send.


Do you encounter this issue/error when converting a particular PPT file to PDF, or do you encounter this issue with any file? Typically, a segmentation fault (segfault) occurs when a program tries to access a restricted area of memory, so you should investigate it on your end. If you still believe it is an issue with Aspose.Slides and a specific file, please zip and attach the PowerPoint presentation file. Also, share the complete error/stack trace from your end.

One thing I forgot to mention is we are using .net 8.0. (240.8 KB)


Thanks for the sample PowerPoint presentation file.

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Issue ID(s): SLIDESNET-44605

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