Converting Punjabi Word document to PDF (C# .NET) | Nirmala UI & Noto Sans Gurmukhi Fonts

I have a Word document written in Punjabi. When I attempt to convert it to PDF the Punjabi characters fail to render in the resulting PDF. Is this a known limitation?

PLAT-05 Consent Assent Addendum v1.0 (31.6 KB)


Please try to Enable OpenType Features of Aspose.Words for .NET and see how it goes on your end?

Document doc = new Document("C:\\temp\\PLAT-05 Consent Assent Addendum v1.0 2020.10.26_Punjabi.docx");

doc.LayoutOptions.TextShaperFactory = HarfBuzzTextShaperFactory.Instance;

doc.Save("C:\\Temp\\21.3 HarfBuzzTextShaperFactory.pdf");

I am getting an exception: Type: System.DllNotFoundException
Message: Unable to load DLL ‘harfbuzz’: The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)

Is there a specific deployment pattern I need to be following for this to work? Or do I need to get the harfbuzz DLL separate from the Aspose harfbuzz package?


Please install Aspose.Words.Shaping.HarfBuzz package from NuGet:

I was able to do this in a small test application. I am seeing the same results where some of the characters are rendered as rectangles that are not converted correctly. Attached is the resulting document. (62.1 KB)


Your Word document uses some custom fonts; so, please make sure that the latest versions of the following fonts are installed on your machine for proper rendering to PDF:

  • Nirmala UI
  • Courier New
  • Noto Sans Gurmukhi
  • Arial

Please refer to following section of documentation for more details: