Converting to PDF/A-2A using Aspose.PDF.Plugins is missing in the latest Aspose PDF Version


We want to convert PDF to PDF/A-2A and cannot use the example mentioned for version 24.3 because the namespace for Aspose .Net under Aspose.PDF.Plugins is no longer available in the latest version or also Version 24.8) and the PdfAConvertOptions class is not recognised.

How can I make a convert from PDF to PDF/A-2A in the latest Aspose version? Is there an example?
Aspose PDF Plugins not exists in 24.8 and 24.9.jpg (161.2 KB)

Aspose.PDF.Plugins has been deprecated - you should use the main product.

string inFile = "input.pdf";
string outFile = "output.pdf";
var doc = new Aspose.PDF.Document(inFile);
doc.Convert(new MemoryStream(), PdfFormat.PDF_A_2A, ConvertErrorAction.Delete);