Converting XLSX to XLSB format- Performance issue

We are using Aspose cell to convert XLSX to XLSB but it is almost taking 6 mins to convert the file. Is there any method, it can be converted in less time ? or we can add some lines in code to make it do in less time?

@Mufaddal53 Your question is related to Aspose.Cells. I will move your request into the appropriate forum category. My colleagues from Aspose.Cells team will help you shortly.
Also, it would be useful if you attach the problematic document here for testing.

Would you like to provide your sample file and executable Console project? We will check it soon.

Size of file is approx. 191,059 KB. Following is the code we are using -

string stroutputfilename = parameter;
string[] dir = Directory.GetFiles(“D:/CSS/FAA/Input/”, “*.XLSX”);

            foreach (string file in dir)
                var workbook = new Aspose.Cells.Workbook(file);
                workbook.Settings.CalcMode = CalcModeType.Manual;
                workbook.Save(stroutputfilename + Path.GetFileName(workbook.FileName).Replace(".xlsx", ".xlsb"), Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat.Xlsb);


Thanks for the code segment.

Please also share your template XLSX file. You may zip the file and upload to some file sharing service (e.g., dropbox, Google drive, etc.) and share the Download link here. We will download the file and then check your issue soon.

We are using-

Due to confidential data, we cannot share file here.

It has multiple sheet (approx 8 to 9) in workbook and using formulas to get the values in sheet.

Aspose version used is Version="8.2.2

Please try the latest version 23.4 and open the file with the following codes:

 LoadOptions options = new LoadOptions();
            options.MemorySetting = MemorySetting.MemoryPreference;
            Workbook wb = new Workbook("Book1.xlsx", options);

Is it not possible with 8.2.2 ?

Yes, this is a new feature that will only be supported in later versions.