Copy only selected rows from sheet A to sheet B in same workbook

I want to copy only selected rows from sheet A to sheet B which matches with certain criteria
how would I be achieve this in aspose cells java library.


You may use find/search options provided by Aspose.Cells to find those row(s) or column(s) and copy rows from your source sheet to destination sheet. First you will get the found cell(s) to get its respective row indexes (using Cell.Row attribute) and then copy that row (using its index) to other sheet. See the topics on find/replace options and copying rows and columns for your reference:
Find or Search Data
Copying Rows and Columns

Hi @Amjad_Sahi
Thank you for the information provided.
How can I remove empty rows or gaps in the new sheet
that are copied to because of original sheet row index.


You can use Cells.deleteBlankRows and Cells.deleteBlankColumns for your requirements.

Hope, this helps a bit.