Copying and Pasting worksheet data to refresh my Plot in excel

I have a plot in excel which gets datasource from worksheet_2 in the same workbook, note worksheet_2 has excel formula and it gets data from worksheek_1. From my C# application, i write into worksheek_1. The issue is that my plot does not get to refresh except i manuall copy worksheek_1 data and also paste it back before my plot can show . Please how can i refresh my plots automatically from my code.


I think you may try to call Workbook.CalculateFormula() method after inserting or updating data in first worksheet to calculate all the formulas in the workbook, so you could get updated results for the formulas in your worksheet(s).

See the document for your reference:

Thank you.


I tried using the worksheet.calculate method, yet it did not work. What do i do


Please use Workbook.CalculateFormula() instead. If you still find the issue, kindly create a sample console application with latest version/fix v7.5.1.x, zip it and post it here, we will check your issue soon. Also attach your template Excel files here.

Thank you.