Corrupt data in resulting word document


I am currently evaluating your Aspose Word component.

I am having a problem where the data that is in the resulting word document sometimes contains garbage. I am unsure whether this is by design (to prevent people from using an eval copy in place of a licensed one) or whether it is a genuine bug. I have scoured your site for information about the expected behaviour of the evaluation copy of this component and have found nothing hence this post.

The following is a paste of some of the text from your Aspose Word Demo “Dinner Invitation”


Fran Wilson

:o&&*M|%`Sales Manager

Lonesome Pine Restaurant

89 Chiaroscuro Rd.

Portland, OR

From page 5 of the resulting document.

This is a clean installation of Aspose Word with the example running under Visual Studio 2003.

Thanks in advance

same thing here. I have downloaded the evaluation copy(clean install VS.Net 2003), and I get garbage characters i my document. I need to make a quick decision about buying this product, so a quick response here would be appreciated.

The garbage text is part of the evaluation version watermark as explained here

Thank you for your quick response.