I have a Note Master with just the slide image and text placeholders
I add text to a note slide like this:
NotesSlideEx noteSlide = currentSlide.NotesSlide;
AutoShapeEx noteShape = (AutoShapeEx)noteSlide.Shapes[1];
noteShape.TextFrame.Text += Environment.NewLine + noteText;
When I try to open the presentation in powerpoint, I get an error saying there are corrupt slides. Each of the note slides is a blank.
If I create the notes with no text, the note slide appears with the image ok. Am I creating the note text properly?
Hi Jospeh,
I have observed the code snippet shared by you and I feel the code snippet to be fine. Can you please share the source presentation for necessary investigation? Please also visit this thread link for further information as well.
Thanks and Regards,
The note slide contains only 2 shapes, which I expected were the image and the note text. However, the 2nd shape contains the text “2” when I look at it, and is named “Slide Number Placeholder 3”.
The problem seems to be that I’m trying to put my notes text into the slide number placeholder. I recreated the Notes master with all of the elements but the count is still only 2.
I’ll attach the presentation I’m using as my template.
Dear Jospeh,
I have worked with the presentation file shared by you using the same code snippet that I have shared in my earlier post. I am able to change the text and successfully opened the presentation afterwards. I then accessed the generated presentation and found the text changed in the text frames. For your kind reference, I have attached the generated presentation and you can retest it using the code snippet shared by me.
Thanks and Regards,
Thank you, creating a note in Powerpoint and then editing it in Aspose worked.
I am having to create additonal slides to contain note information that is too big to fit on one slide. I want to copy the image that is on the top part of the note slide to these continuation slides. I don’t see a way to copy an AutoShapeEx from one slide to another.
The Shape class has a serialize function that would seem to allow this but I don’t see how to do it in AutoShapeEx.
Dear Joseph,
I am sorry for the delayed response.
Please follow this documentation link to have an idea how the shapes are serialized and how they can be called in the presentation slide shapes. As an idea, you can serialize your desired shape and then can add the same serialized shape in next subsequent slides.
Thanks and Regards,
Mudassir, my question was how to serialize an AutoShapeEx. That class does not have the serialize method. I tried to cast the AutoShapeEx to a Shape but that doesn’t work.
Hi Joseph,
I regret to inform you that serialization for PPTX has not yet been implemented for PPTX in Aspose.Slides. An issue with ID 18109 has been created in our issue tracking system as a new feature request. This thread has been linked with the issue and as soon as the feature is available, you will be automatically informed.
We are sorry for your inconvenience,
The issues you have found earlier (filed as SLIDESNET-18109) have been fixed in this update.
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